Books that Span Multiple Continents

We loved reading around the world with all of you – our fellow armchair travelers. The Book Voyage reading challenge takes us to every corner of the globe. Now, we’re looking forward to reading books that span multiple continents. This is a great way to compare and contrast the scenery and lifestyles of different countries around the world from the comfort of one book!

THree tilted book covers with picture of Jackie Kennedy on a ship on the center book.

We’ve compiled a list of some of the best books set across multiple continents, including a variety of titles to suit any reading mood. From harrowing non-fiction memoirs and family sagas to travelogues and even a light and enjoyable holiday novel, we hope you’ll find several books worthy of your TBR list.

Books Set in Multiple Countries

You are welcome to choose any book that you’d like to read for the challenge, but we hope that this list of books has given you a good starting point.

Sign Up for the Book Voyage Challenge

Sign up for our email list below to receive a free printable tracker for the Book Voyage Challenge. Our weekly email newsletter helps you stay on track with friendly reminders while still allowing you the flexibility to read at your own pace. Additionally, challenge participants have an opportunity to discuss the books on this list and to provide ratings and reviews via our book logs.


Comments on: Books that Span Multiple Continents

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  1. I always look forward to the new list each month, thank you for the great suggestions! I have been searching all over the internet for more suggestions on Christmas books that span multiple continents…..if anybody could please provide some additional suggestions, I would appreciate it!

  2. Gerry G Durisin says:

    You’ve put together a terrific list for every month in this Book Voyage Challenge. I’d like to recommend one more book that spans multiple continents: All Ships Follow Me, by Mieke Eerkens. It’s a nonfiction account of the author’s research and travel to learn about and come to terms with her family history, specifically during WWII. Her maternal grandparents were imprisoned for treason, accused of collaborating with the Nazi occupiers of The Netherlands. Across the world, her paternal grandparents and her father, Dutch citizens living in what was then the Dutch East Indies, were imprisoned in a Japanese internment camp. The book is set in Indonesia, The Netherlands, and The United States. It’s extremely well written, and has held my interest throughout.

  3. Kathryn Lang-Slattery says:

    Thank you to the Book Girls for selecting my book as part of the December challenge. I am quite honored to be included on a list that includes top authors such as Maggie Shipstead, Abraham Verghese, Thrity Umrigar, Isabelle Allende!

    For ease in finding Wherever the Road Leads and reviews of my memoir, note that the published author name is K. Lang-Slattery.

  4. Jennifer L Price says:

    I have really enjoyed this challenge even though I haven’t always kept up with posting. You really put together some great lists; thank you!