New Mexico Books: The Best Books Set in the Land of Enchantment
Whether you’re participating in our Read Around the USA Challenge or simply found your way to our website researching books set in New Mexico, we’ve curated a diverse list of highly-rated titles about the Land of Enchantment! If you’re looking for another state, check our comprehensive list of books set in every state.

A Few Things New Mexico is Known For…
The origin of New Mexico parallels Arizona as they were both “discovered” by Francisco Vázquez de Coronado in 1540 as he searched for cities made of gold. While he didn’t find gold, he started the colonization of the region for Spain, despite the presence of indigenous people groups. Like Arizona, the formerly tribal land was controlled by Spain, then Mexico, and then the US after the Mexican-American war.
For more than 1000 years, Pueblo people have lived continuously at Taos, Pueblo. Their influence can be seen in the art produced in the region. Both the Taos and Sante Fe regions are known for their vibrant arts community, from local artisans to internationally known artists like Georgia O’Keeffe.
The landscape of New Mexico is diverse, from the Rocky Mountains in the north to the 119 caves that make up Carlsbad Caverns and White Sands National Monument, the world’s largest field of gypsum sand dunes, in the south.
The Best Novels Set in New Mexico
Highly-Rated Non-Fiction About New Mexico
Read Around the USA – Books Set in Other States
We hope you enjoyed this book list of books about New Mexico and found some great titles to add to your TBR. If you’re participating in our Read Around the USA Challenge, be sure to check out our alphabetical index of books set in each state.
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