Books Set in the Southeastern

Whether you’re participating in our Read Around the USA Challenge, or simply found your way to our website researching books set in the Southeastern states, you’ve come to the right place!

Photo of the southeast coastline of the United States overlaid with three book covers of books set in the southeast states.

Below, you’ll find a list of highly-rated books featuring some of the states in the southeast, including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee. There are many different definitions of the American Southeast. If a state you are looking for is not included on this list, you can find a comprehensive index of books set in each state here.

photo of Montgomery Alabama with an orange sunset + 3 book covers

Books Set in Alabama

The best books set in the Cotton State, including novels, memoirs & non-fiction.

Florida beach with white sand and turquoise water + 3 book covers

Books Set in Florida

The best books set in the Sunshine State, including contemporary and historical fiction, as well as non-fiction.

Trees surrounding fountain in Savannah with three book covers

Books Set in Georgia

The best books set in the Peach State, including contemporary and historical fiction, as well as non-fiction.

Photo of South Carolina Lowcountry with three book covers of books set in South Carolina

Books Set in South Carolina

The best books set in the Palmetto State, including novels, memoirs & non-fiction.

A photo of neon lights on Beale Street in Memphis and three book covers of books set in Tennessee.

Books Set in Tennessee

The best books set in the Volunteer State, including novels, memoirs & non-fiction.

Sign Up for the Read Around the USA Challenge

Sign up for our email list below to receive a free printable tracker for the Read Around the USA Challenge. Our weekly email newsletter helps you stay on track with friendly reminders while still allowing you the flexibility to read at your own pace.

Printable Version of the Challenge Book Lists

Readers who support The Book Girls’ Guide through our Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC) membership site can access printable versions of the reading challenge book lists. As we create stand-alone book lists for the Read Around the USA Challenge throughout the year, each individual state book list will be available in a single-page printable format for our BMAC members.

promo for printable of list with ipad reading "become a member today"

We offer two membership levels. Both our BFF members and our Inner Circle members get access to the single-page printables for the year-long reading challenges. Visit our Buy Me a Coffee membership page for a full list of benefits for each level.

Our BMAC members help cover the cost of running the challenges so we can keep them free for everyone!

Book Recommendations for Other Regions of the USA

If you’re participating in our 2025 Read Around the USA Challenge and reading one book per region, you can find links to every region here. If you’re doing the 50 States Challenge and reading books from every state and territory, you can get an alphabetical index here. Throughout 2025, we’ll be expanding the regional book lists into standalone book lists for all 50 states.


Comments on: Books Set in the Southeastern

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  1. Judy Seaman says:

    Thank you for all of your great reading challenges and topical or setting lists. I have read many of the recommended titles. I love the descriptions as well as the Book Girls’ notes. This information helps me decide if I want to read any given story.
    You ladies rock!

    1. Angela Rathbun says:

      Hi Judy, This year we’re creating a full booklist for each individual state, so rather than 5 or 6 book recommendations for each state, there are now 20+ recommendations for each state. We’ve published three of the five state lists for this region, with the other two coming before the end of February. Since you mentioned having already read many of the recommended titles, we though you might like to look at the expanded lists. You can find them all linked here:

  2. I am always thrilled to find books on my physical book shelves listed for the challenge. I have Take My Hand and The German Wife. I will probably go with Take My Hand. I have heard great things about that one.

  3. Jaci Eiquihua says:

    I’ve read all the books listed for Alabama. Luckily I have many I haven’t read from the other states. Great lists.

  4. What, no Joshilyn Jackson? Love her southern set stories. Just a suggestion for next year’s list. Thanks for the great list. Can’t wait to explore!

  5. Cassie Elliston says:

    The March selections are so good. There are several books from my TBR list that are included and a couple previously read that I might revisit.