This page is a resource for the Read with the Book Girls Facebook group, where we love connecting with our readers! If you’re not already a member, join here and be sure to fill in a favorite book title so we know you’re not a robot.


This group may be different and go deeper with discussions and recommendations than the other book groups you are in. We don’t want dozens of posts a day because that takes away time you could be reading books!

Instead, we gather content together to make it easier to see the things you want and skip the things you don’t. This maximizes the value and makes the most of everyone’s time!

That means you may see a post denied with a comment telling you we’ve tagged you in a different thread. We still value what you’re sharing; we’re just playing air traffic controller to keep the group tidy.

The most commonly asked questions in the Facebook group are where to find the book lists, book logs, and discussion groups. These posts will always be pinned at the top of the Facebook group page, but we know Facebook can sometimes be hard to navigate. That’s why we also send these links via email every Friday.


The easiest way to always find the most current book list, book log, and discussion group links is to join our email list! We send an email newsletter every Friday morning that always includes all of the relevant links for each reading challenge, as well as additional curated book lists spanning a wide range of topics and genres.


On this page, you’ll find an overview of each of the reading challenges that we host. Click on any challenge for further details and the answers to frequently asked questions, or scroll down on the page to find all of the recommended book lists for every challenge!


Did you know we also have tons of other non-challenge book recommendations? We send out new book lists in our weekly email, and you can browse them all in one place here!